Attraction Marketing: How to attract people to you.

Attraction-MarketingAttraction Marketing is learning not to be focused on trying to make a sale, but focused and centered on what people are looking for.  People are always looking for a leader who can show them what to do. They want to learn. So leading with educational information about things that you can teach them, and by the very nature of you doing that, you become a leader in their mind.

Showing people how to get what they want faster, or avoid mistakes by helping them get access to “secrets”, is the easiest and most attractive marketing theme on the planet. By being an educational based marketer you open up the minds of the people out there to how it’s possible to insert a sales message without people knowing. Teaching them something they want to learn about is the fastest way to open some one’s mind.


Marketing is the communication you put in front of your target audience. Attraction Marketing can be fun if you frame it in your head right. Get confident and stop being attached to the outcome. You don’t have to worry about “salesmanship” or learning “sales tactics”, if you just stay curious and interested in other peoples deepest desires before trying to sell them your stuff.

Relationships are the key to long term success because how many people are paying attention to you is the only leverage you will ever have to get paid for the stuff you do and sell. But you have to get more then just their attention, they have to care about what you have to say.

Attraction Marketing: Leader vs Follower

A Leader is a person who sees the future. They see how to make something better and come up with an idea or concept that will usually relate to creating a service, product, business, or opportunity of some kind. A Leader is dissatisfied with the options out there and sees a need for change. Being a Leader requires experience and involves risk.

A Follower is a person or group who may not be incline to be Leaders, but because they are inspired by the vision, they want to help carry it forward. Being a Follower does not limit you from also being a leader within someone else’s vision. Follower’s build the asset and create social proof for the Leader. And because of this don’t necessarily make less money then the Leader.

Become a Leader by becoming a trusted advisor. Attraction Marketing works, because you are starting with your prospects needs in mind. Think of their problems, and use problem solving strategies, and answering their questions before they even know you, or choose to do business with you. You’re giving solutions to their issues before trying to sell them something.

Become a Leader by teaching. Teaching establishes you as an expert in your field. It demonstrates your leadership, without you having to flaunt it. And it helps you build trust and relationships with the people you are trying to attract and need your help. You already have valuable information to share. Don’t worry about “giving it away for free”. Consider it an investment in your business. New people, especially when it comes to advertising on the web, need help understanding the basics. Teach them what you have learned and experienced.

Students answering questions in math class with teacher

In this day and age most people are asking their questions on line and the internet makes it much easier for you to establish yourself as a Leader. You can present your answers in many ways and forums that will reach more people then you could ever imagine. You can present your answers one on one, Youtube videos or writing articles just to name a few. Because you’re creating content on the Internet it will probably outlive us all. You can create content once,  and not have to create it again! Unlike face-to-face presentations which you have to re-delivered each time. It frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.You don’t have to create new information either. There’s plenty out there already, but you can make what’s out there easier to understand or use.

Since Attraction Marketing is about captivating your target market to want to do business with you because of who you are and not what you have, there’s no better way then becoming their teacher or mentor to accomplish that.

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Attraction Marketing is about captivating your target market to want to do business with you because of who you are.Read more at: http://carmensakurai.com/what-is-attraction-marketing/ (Twitter: @CarmenSakurai)
Attraction Marketing is about captivating your target market to want to do business with you because of who you are.Read more at: http://carmensakurai.com/what-is-attraction-marketing/ (Twitter: @CarmenSakurai)

2 comments on “Attraction Marketing: How to attract people to you.

  1. […] Guilherme on February 10, 2014 in Facebook Marketing, Home Based Businesses, Internet […]

  2. […] Attraction Marketing: How to attract people to you. […]

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